Thursday, May 04, 2006

A great man to remember....

Photo src: The Straits Times

The late President of Singapore, Mr Ong Teng Cheong, was(and still is) one of my most respected figurehead of our country. Despite being young and some what neutral(I still am neutral) to politics when he first took office, he had the mysterious charisma that had always held my attention. Voted to the highest post in the Singapore Constitution( I stand corrected) by Singaporeans, he was in every way humble and down to earth and did his duty fearlessly, responsibilty and impartially.

Before being President, Mr Ong was an MP and as an MP, he was a well-liked person with his warm, caring and affirming nature. His genuine care for his people is for all to see. He once said,

"There are so many things to be done. I intend to live every minute of it as fully as I can, and press on with the work, there are so many things to be done."

However, what had me respected him most was his impartiality (which also resulted in fiction within the highest echaleons). By challenging and querying in the way things were supposed to be done in Government, he had shown real and true impartiality despite being groomed from the same ruling political party. His following statement sums up nicely the point I wanted to bring across,

"Some people still ask whether my long previous association with PAP will stop me from acting independently. The answer is no. My loyalty is first and foremost to the people of Singapore; it has always been so and it will always remain so."

No words of gratitude can fully make up for all the sacrifices he had done to help make Singapore a better place to live in. He has my deepest respect for dedicating his life selflessly to people like you and me.

May you watch over Singapore.


Anonymous said...

is that guy in the foreground of the pic sleeping??

Lambie said...

ay... seems like... he looks like an MP i know.... :p