I can't sleep. I have two things bothering me.
1. The upcoming elections. (that's all i'm disclosing)
2. Someone commented that Guys are jerks.
I spent the last 10 mins thinking of what to write, and allowing my confused and frustrated mind to calm down a bit. There are many people in this world and different people behave differently. Hence, Guys are jerks are too sweeping a statement. It's as good as saying that since Saddam Hussan is evil, all humans are evil. But are all humans necessarily evil?
I'm very annoyed by such a sweeping statement because I am a guy and I do not believe this is so. I'm not saying all guys are not jerks, I'm just merely annoyed by a sensless and brainless sweeping comment targetted at us guys.
So, before opening your mouth to say that "All guys are jerks", stop and think carefully. If you hold true to this statement, that means it includes your dad. Cool...Happy Father's day can be called Happy Jerk's day. Also, this also directly implies that you are conceived by a jerk. Quite a compliment I say...
unless of course you go, "All guys are jerks, except my dad". But that will make you sound moronic and childish and you would implicate all your friends and best friend's dad as well.
At this point, you would proberbly think "ok, i'll just exclude whoever I can think of that is not a jerk" and before you know it, your friend adds on the list, your friends friends' adds on the list and you finally have a statement that goes
"All guys are jerks, except all guys"
So! I'll end this rant here without much explanations because they are not needed. However, on a serious note:
Human and human interactions are as complicated as we want it to be simple. The only way to see through the chaos is to understand one's heart. Remember, it is the heart that one sees rightly(TLP) Different people have different agenda and one must understand the intention of the person and act accordingly. It is much better than saying sweeping statements to mow each other down.
In other stupid and disillutioned news, Mordor was taken down because they were complacent and decided to tackle the obvious instead of realising they have a pea for a brain. Why do I say they have a pea for a brain? If the entire human army marched right to your doorstep which is outnumbered by your orcs 10:1, don't you even smell a trap? Not one bit? Sitting so high up in the ivory tower must have made Sauron a complete idiot. Maybe he just need glasses.
"Make him blind to all else that moves"
And what a blind idiot he is. And because of that, he is gone. Outdone by two hobbits who knew only of songs and dance, compared to Sauron who had ruled Mordor for eons. So much for having good credentials! So, having experience as a ruler doesn't matter, it's the motive that counts. Sauron was so blinded by power and to crush the human race that he forgot about basic military warfare.
Dumb ass.
PS: I'm not uttering rubbish.