Wednesday, July 13, 2005

NKF Fiasco

I guess the topic on everybody's mind now is regarding the recent lawsuit involving SPH and NKF over an article written about NKF. As all of you know, NKF dropped the suit a day after it started as it has , in my opinion, opened a can of worms that they can't seem to seal shut now...

Right from the start, especially my close friends, know that i'm a strong avocate against NKF, not for their spending but for the very activity that got them fat reserves - Fund Raising. Call me a convservationist but I really detest their way of raising funds, donations are meant to be from the heart, and given willingly, not dangle carrots like condos and cars so that people will donate...come's charity not a national lottery... and equally bad is their plan to ask kids to help with their fundraising with prizes to be won for every XXX amt raised...what kind of message are we driving into our kids here? Charity is not about getting's about contributing wholeheartly and willinging to do good...not to aim for that MP3 player if I can hit the quota...

But having said all that, I really have to get credit to NKF for their contributions to society, especially to those kidney patients and now, the cancer patients...Also, I have to get credit to their Management for such a bold and radical strategy to raise funds. I understand that NKF started out as a poor organization, making tough decisions on who to save when resources are low, and because of this, they decide to make it a point not to be finacially strapped and vola, you have a revolutionary charitable organization in place(which similar org needs to pay GST one?) with millions of dollars of reserves...

Unfortunately, I guess the board lost their main purpose which is to save lives after seeing so much money at hand that perhaps they got greedy? Which ever the reason, the patients under NKF care should not be the ones to suffer for their mistakes...I just hope someone will take over the helm and make their accounts more transparent, transfer a higher weightage of their income to saving lifes and gaining back public confidence...don't let the innocent ones suffer...

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