Friday, July 29, 2005

Matriculation Fair & more....

This whole week was dead busy due to NOC deploying a booth at SRC to increase their exposure to the freshmeats..ops..i mean freshman...

I have never, talked so much in one day until now,
never, lost my voice from talking until now
never, know what it is like to stand for 4 hrs straight until now

BUT, on a positive side,

I have learnt that,

NUS have a NPCC unit ... I must have been sleeping all these years in NUS...,

SOC seems to have the least amount of freshmeats, sorry, freshMAN among all the faculties,

there are all types of people that make up NUS freshmeats ARG! freshMAN!! I mean, got smart ones, dumb ones, cocky ones and the classical blur like sotong ones,

there are many types of people who are interested in NOC programs, the anything-also-sign-up types, the blur-blur-kenna-conned-till sign up types, the i-sign-you-get-out-of-my-face type, the potential businessman-of-the-year-look type

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