Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas...ZZzzzzzz

No...this wasn't a christmas eve dinner...this was way before Friday night...heh...nice. simple. cheap. Good company.

I many outings happened over the last few days that I forget where I went, what I did or what I do...

All i remember was taking an exam paper....brood over it and panic over it...cos I dun get the fundamental reasoning behind them(it took a while) and wonders if the exam can fail one or notz...then i realise first question i was racking my brains over it, frowning over the second question, mathematically crappy by the 3rd question and pretty much brain dead by the fourth. hahaha...moral of the story, never take exams at 4.30am.

In other story,I found this paragraph lying somewhere in my brain:

Every relationship starts in a frenzy, in essence. They follow a parabolic (assuming nothing is done to sustain the relationship), Y=BX-AX^2 , where X is from 0 to + inf. Y is defined as intensity, X as time and A (intensity),B(time) are variables. However, If sustaining the relationship (commitment etc) is on both person’s agenda, then the variables A, B will increase and the parabolic takes on a far gradual decline and finally tapers off. Naturally, in the course of the relationship, the variables A, B can vary, changing the health of the relationship. But they are all still parabolic. This means that as long as one/both are not committed enough (small A,B), the curve will eventually be 0 in a short time, marking the end of a relationship. But as long as both are committed, i.e; the variables A,B will be large, when Y=0, X=0 and X = V, where V increases with increasing A,B, prolonging the relationship period matching the couple’s life time and beyond.

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