Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas is around the corner!

It's christmas...and I can't resist doing a list of what I want for chirstmas for the fun of it...i've categorize them into different categories as follows:

Must-have-items wishlist
1. New specs (my old one is 2 years +)
2. New Teva Sandals (same as above, but i can't bear to throw it away...too many journeys with it...)
3. White long sleeve shirt for work
4. A tie

Nice-to-have-items wishlist
1. Tivo or Navman GPS
2. A gaming PC
3. any Cannondale mountain bike
4. Whole line fish at Fish & Co.

1. F430
2. A trip to the South pole

But.... actually,

All I want this Christmas is just...

For my family & friends to be happy.

Then i'll be happy.

That is a feeling I have not felt in a long time.

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