Monday, September 18, 2006

This paragraph in a Reuters article sums up my feelings...

Excerpt taken from :

Singapore agrees to admit globalisation foes
Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:50 AM BST

"Analysts said the meeting was turning out to be a public relations disaster for Singapore, which has spent about S$135 million (29 million pounds) on the event, hoping to showcase its financial industry and tourism appeal.

Instead, the world press has focussed on Singapore's restrictions on free speech and right of assembly.

"It is a PR disaster. It represents a certain blindness on the part of the Singapore government towards matters of public opinion, which can be traced to the fact that they are so used to ignoring it," said Singapore political commentator Alex Au."


There is a hokkien saying that comes to my mind:

" zo lang ai kiang dio ho, mai gei kiang"

literal translation: Be clever but don't act clever and end up doing stupid things.

I really really only have one word for this whole IMF preparation.


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