We were taught from young, that we should all study hard and get good grades, so that we can get into good schools and subsequently into university. In universitym, we can pursuit a good degree and land ourselves a good job in a huge MNC. And life will be a bed of roses.
Yeah, right.True, getting a good degree may laud you a respectable job in an MNC. That as much is true. Period. Beds of roses have thorns too you know? No one ever tells you the naked truth.
The word that makes this world economy churn with glee. So, what's with profit?
Assume, if one worker needs one day to complete one job, and each job you earn $X dollars, so, the more workers you have, you earn $X * no of workers(N) per day. Great.
Now, revenue is defined as the following:
revenue per day = KXNwhere K = loading factor.This loading factor(K) is the amount of extra work you load on the worker per one day to drive up revenue while he/she receives the same amount of pay.
profit= Revenue - salary per day (Y) profit= KXN - Y*assume COGS = salary/day
From this linear equation, take X & N to be constant. That will mean that to increase profit, you have to either increase K or decrease Y. However, you cannot cut your employees salaries based on whims and fancies, hence you can only logically increase K.
Now, as you increase K, for large MNCs, it's 101% certain that some MNCs don't care a hoot about whether you go hungry due to working longer hours, sacrificing sleep, friends and social life. Nope. In fact, they make it seem like it's the culture to work longer hours and soon enough, it IS the culture. When that happens, your K will increase naturally and everyone, thinking it is the norm, will not look for an increase in Y.
Bottomline? Employees are brainwashed into working drones while the employer laughs his/her way to the bank with a fat load of profit.
Now tell me. After going through countless exams in your youth to get to your dream job. What have you really obtained in benefit after all that hard work? more hard work?
Do think about it. What have you sacrificed, lost or regret not doing in your life while you are slogging away for your employer's profit?
Remember, we all have an equal time on this earth.
I'll leave this open.