Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Fee Hike??

Days ago, I managed to convince myself that Singapore is indeed a better place to live in compared to other countries, and after all, it is my birthplace and as the saying goes, nothing better than home. Yet days later, doubts have began to cloud my mind once again with the approval from PTC regarding the fee hikes in transportation.

What was the reason cited for fee hikes?
:: Improving Economy (really?)
:: Last hike was years ago (so?)
:: Increasing fuel cost(then why the profit?)
:: Increasing labour cost(so must milk more cash from other poor workers without rise in pay?)

Why are Singaporeans against fee hikes?
:: Singaporeans will always complain whenver there are fee hikes (who isn't?)
:: Profit made by the transport "companies" are in excess of millions
:: The economy is not as rosy as the press would like to portray
:: Too close to the extension of ERP increase
:: Most average Singaporean's are not having much pay increase( despite the call by the govt. to increase pay, interesting timing)

The PTC, to me, is not really an independent council and even if it is, it must have been pretty much obvilous to them to use data from 1997 as a basis to increase fees. I think they need more coffee. General response from the public have been null, zipped, silence. Why? Typical Singaporean, just bite the bullet and move on. I hope no one is smart enough to capitalise on this weakness(or are there?) General public setiments must be "The govt is just there to milk more money, the rest of what they say are a farce" I can't help but TOTALLY agree and the govt. must do more to convience us otherwise, or, like the rest, I shall remain totally skeptical irregardless what someone might say. Gosh, it does make me mad typing all these out, better relax more before I contribute to the healthcare industry in more ways than one...

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