Thursday, May 05, 2005

For those of you leaving Middle Earth (you know who I'm refering to...)

It has been three years since the beginning of our journey and in this 3 many others, are filled with ups and downs. We had our fair share of fun and laughter, happiness and sadness... but like all good things, there will always be an end...

And I guess the time has come for the parting of ways, where each of us hobbits will go our seperate ways, to carry on with our own life. There are so many other things out there waiting for us to learn, to feel, to experience and to enjoy...

Inevitably, my time with you all on your journey is almost over, and perhaps our future path might cross with each other once again, yet should it not occur, there are always the memories of the past, which I hope will be useful in times of need to serve as a form of motivation on the darkest of the days ahead...

Hope fades
Into the world of night.
Through shadows falling,
Out of memory and time.

Don't say
We have come now to the end.
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again.

With this, I bid you all success on your endevours ahead...

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