Wednesday, August 08, 2007


A word is meaningless on it's own. Without meaning, a word is no different from a jumble of letters. An expression of doodles. What makes a word meaningful is the association of an attached symbolic representation to it. Simple as it sounds, it isn't. The symbolic representation of a word can take on a wide spectrum and varying degrees of meanings depending on how the word is used. At times, a word extended relationship with its neighboring words is paramount too.

It is simply complicated. Know what I mean?

One interesting aspect of English words which I particularly adore is the attachment of emotive representatives to it. Sadly, I feel that English words, though versatile, can never be as linguistically flexible as the usage of Chinese words in describing basic human emotions. Nonetheless, keeping that in mind, I shall attempt to articulate in writing, the meaning of fragility as it means to me.

What do you see when you read the word “fragile”? Do you envision a delicate glass breaking? Or do you feel weakness in the word? Words, like I have mentioned, takes on different meanings with different forms of use. It takes on yet another dimension of meaning depending on the human involved in constructing the particular sentence. For example;

A wailing girl screamed “You broke my heart” verses He muttered quietly “You broke my heart”

Though unspoken in the second scenario, the exact sentence gives the reader the impression that the guy experiences a more profound hurt compared to the girl. Now, do you understand why I said emotive representations of words are interesting?

So, what exactly does fragility means to me?

A lack of belief. That is my symbolic attachment of the word fragility. If you do not believe in yourself, you are susceptible to uncertainty of yourself which leads to other complications such as feeling inferior to others. Analogically speaking, believing in yourself is like your skin. Once breeched, you are open to nasty viruses which may cause harm to you and make you weak. But that doesn’t mean you should shun being fragile altogether. Sometimes, feeling fragile makes us realize the fundamentals of being a human being. That no matter how capable we all are; we still need the emotional support. Some may require more than others but we, as humans, do need that occasional pillar of support.

And during the receivership of support, it makes one feel comforted, akin to being in your mother’s womb, metaphorically speaking. It cocoons you in a gentle yet protective manner, shielding you from the harsh realities of the world. Fleeting it may be, but it provides the necessary oasis to the tired traveler in this journey of life before embarking on his/her next phase.

And there is nothing fragile in acknowledging and receiving support. Only fools thinks otherwise.

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