Monday, June 25, 2007

Digging pictures from the past...

[Barobushna villagers performance - The performace marked the end of our 2 weeks stay at the village. In that 2 weeks, we helped with the construction of the communal hall and helped the healthcare workers go around checking on the health of the villager's new born baby]

[Sunset over country side - This was taken on the rooftop of the place we stayed during our stint in the village. The 3 story building is called "pallisathi".]

[this shot needs to be setup one okie - one of the temples that we visited in Kolkata. We had purposely waited for the gluttony pigeons to settle down eating the grains off the floor before my friends intentionally ran across it, creating this furore of feathered wings and smiling faces. ]

[some tomb... - I remembered this place was called the hymmi someting something tomb. Anyway, i like this shot quite a bit. ]

[Sunset over India's railway line - This was day 2 of 3 during our trip back to Kolkata from Agra. I risked my head to take a photo of the setting sun while a cargo train whizzed by. ]

[Onion looking temple - This picture never fails to remind me of onions!]

[sunset - Barobushna village. Just took this picture for the fun of it. And digital photos is free!]

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