Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Fairy Tale, Part III

The little lost lamb soaked in the view of the moons setting on the grassy plains. The setting of the moons had always intrigued the little lost lamb. To it's little eyes, such a scene always remind the little lamb of sadness, because, without the moons' shine, the land will be exceptionally dark and depressing, a neverending blanket of smouldering loneliness.

But with the setting of the moons, the little lamb knows that the sun will rise, bringing hope to the land. The little lamb has always took comfort in the sun's ability to rip the blanket of darkness into shreds with the rising of the rays and gently caress every living thing with it's warm touch.

Yet. The little lamb had never really experience a rising sun. In its heart, the little lamb knows that it exists and yearns for the day where the sun will rise and wash away the blanket of darkness that envelopes it's world.

But the little sheep had seen its fair share of shooting stars. They brough temporary hope and illumination into the world of the little lamb and when these shooting stars fades into nothingness, so does hope.

It's a wearingly painful experience for the confused lamb.

And sometimes, leaving this world may be a better choice. So it did.

Hence, that was how the damsel came to find the little lamb one day, tottering along it's castle, looking lost. The little lamb liked the new world it found. And best of all, it enjoyed the little dandillons and fresh grass shoots that had never grown in its own dark world. If it could, it would like to stay on this castle world forever. Yet, the little lamb had seen how the damsel was working hard on making the sun rise and it pondered. Even the princess was working hard for a piece of the sun in her own world. It pondered deeper.

"We are all travellers, seeking out that piece of the sun to light up our own little world"

It dawned on the little lamb that it shouldn't be idling if the other two companions were working hard to carve out their own little world...

"We travel from world to world, seeking what our heart desires. damsel does this by living on this castle world. princess does it by seeking actively throughout the worlds"

By now, the little lamb understands.

"The castle world is transient. The only permanent place is the one I escaped from"

It knows it has to go back. Go back to the world to set things right. To let the sun rise.

But for now, the little lamb is contented where it is.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting to show u this:

2nd para.. there's a short 'fairy tale medley'.

And if you feel up to some chinese immersion: