Monday, September 26, 2005


Source: Cisco manual on web (I think)

Ok, today, we had a newcomer to NOC, 8 Cisco VoIP phones and my initial impression was that it's just a normal telephone with a LCD screen BUT I was not entirely correct...I guess in this age and time, one shouldn't underestimate the power of the internet...

The phone comes with many functions, of which 4 I am very impressed with...

1) It has an online phone directory for the whole of NUS, all you have to do is to more going into exchange mail and do searching...

2) not impressed yet? How about, it comes with a government directory with it too? (I think the government is going VoIP too...)

3) still not impressed, how about, it comes WITH a S'PORE Company directory??? (bye bye yellow pages)... all you need is a little imagination and very soon we can search for any singporeans on the streets using the phone...why not?...

4) Still not impressed? (then you are really a Pain in the ASS)The phone...comes with... a function to view....WORLD NEWS... yesh, you can view global news, singapore news, business news, you name it, they got it...updated news somemore... I kid you not... another useful invention to be skiving at work while looking dead busy with the phone....

AND can someone tell me WHY it's not the choice OVER PODCAST?!? (pun intended)

1 comment:

Nekyia said...

Coz Podcast is "cool"...

I also don't understand the fad over Podcast.. then again... I'm a sucker for the iPod anyway.

Toukarin aka 楷恩