Tuesday, September 01, 2009

MBTI confusion

I've talked to alot of people who had taken the MBTI type indicator test before (may be online, secondary school etc etc) and I've noticed most people have some confusion over the meaning of the word Introversion / Extraversion.

According to Wikipedia, the definitions are as follows:

"The preferences for extraversion (thus spelled in Myers-Briggs jargon) and introversion are sometimes referred to as attitudes. Briggs and Myers recognized that each of the cognitive functions can operate in the external world of behavior, action, people and things (extraverted attitude) or the internal world of ideas and reflection (introverted attitude). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator sorts for an overall preference for one or the other of these."

What this paragraph is saying that extraversion are NOT people who likes to be around people and introversion are NOT people who prefer to be left alone. Extraversion in MBTI context can comprise of people who are extrovered and introvered and vice versa.

Then what does Extraversion and Introversion really mean in MBTI?

It means that if you are of type Introversion, you gain your energy from being alone. You can be talking to people and attend parties but doing all these will leave you drained. You have to spend some quiet time alone to recharge yourself.

For extraversion, you are the complete opposite. Being with people recharges your energy and being alone will drain you of your energy. You need to talk to people, be with people to feel recharged and all happy.

Remember, the Extraversion/Introversion aspect of the MBTI is talking about how an individual recharges oneself (whether he/she is inward facing or outward facing) and not based on his/her preference of liking better to be with people or being alone.

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