Sunday, June 08, 2008

A pillar of humanity

While overlooking the city lights on the top of the hill, locked in an embrace of warmth in the cold windy night, the question of "what is love" was brought up.

An interesting philosophical question for a night like this, considering the question is probably as old as mankind itself and yet man had failed for centuries to get a firm grasp on one of the underlying pillars of humanity.

So what is love? A search on Google churned out a list of suggestive explanations; All of which can be summed up by the definition, "a feeling of deep positive emotion for something/someone". However, it does not make the person reading any closer in understanding more about this elusive four letter word. It is akin to saying a Durian is a fruit, while not offering much about what exactly IS a Durian.

While the purpose of the rest of this article is NOT to offer a detail explanation on what exactly love is or what it does, what I hope this article will achieve is to for you, as a reader, to think about what you think love is. Because that is all that matters. Really.

Imagine that you have an apple that is red and crunchy. You like this apple because it is crunchy. Another person likes the apple because it is red. Both of you like the apple, but for completely different reasons. This is similar to what love is.

The difficulty lies in knowing yourself and the type of love that you are looking for and whether you are able to find it. Some are contented with that they have; Others hop from relationship to relationship to find the right love. Some are so swept away at first sight that they felt they got the right love.

Which ever the case, it is you who give yourself a definition to love. And it is only you, who can give yourself the reason not to love.

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