Wednesday, November 07, 2007

BMW X5 4.8i - A Journey within

I had a small dream once. To be able to drive a BMW. And I achieved that dream today. I drove a top of the line model from BMW. An X5 with a 4.8l v8 engine. And so, you might be thinking, "you lucky chap!". But I beg to differ. I rather have that dream remain just a dream.

This car is for the riches. If it isn't obvious from the snob appeal of the badge, then you might be interested to know that the road tax cost a whopping $12k a year and that the car drinks petrol in gulps.

I do not think most of us in our lifetime will be able to afford this car. It cost a whopping $383,000. And getting a taste, a tantalizing one at that, only sharpens that fact. Why would I want to be able to experience driving something that I can never be able to afford in my life time? I would definitely be better off not knowing what it feels like, driving this car.

This car sets everything into perspective. That, if you make it "there", the rewards are rather sweet.

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