Thursday, January 12, 2006


Well, had my first official interview in GIC. It went pretty alright by my standards but after the 2hrs +++++++, I felt bloody drained and still having to face with doing my FYP for tomorrow's meeting with Pannie.

Funny thing is, I don't really feel much for the interview but wonder whether if I even apply for the correct kind of job that I wanted. This thought has been at the back of my head and as stubborn in going away as the current rainy season... Sigh...

Life Sucks...Can someone just pass me like S$1 Billion bucks so that I can live my life the way i want to, not the way society dicitates me to.

Heh heh... a little more light-hearted incident while I was there..the head-hunted receptionist was having a flu and she was busy clearing her nose on a hankie when I approach. I really have to hand it to these people, she can do it in such a diginifed manner and upon seeing me, recovering nicely from her "business" with flair and prose. And all these while, she didnt even lose her composure. I think if i were to interview for HER job, i proberbly couldn't even get within a mile of the application form.


yj said...

got her photo?

Lambie said...

YJ!!! she is like 40 years old?? hello...

Anonymous said...
